1 / When did the Dharma Yoga Center begin offering teacher training programs?
Sri Dharma Mittra has been serving students from all walks of life by disseminating classical yet of the moment yoga for over 50 years, first under his Guru beginning in 1967, and then through his own school since 1975. He trained students to teach on an apprenticeship basis since the early 1980s. In 1999, Eva and Sri Dharma officially inaugurated a complete accredited Eight Limbs of Yoga-based training program. The first group of teacher trainees was comprised of students who had studied with Sri Dharma for several years and were personally invited to participate. This special group led the way for hundreds of Dharma Yoga Registered Teachers (DYRTs) to spread the teachings of Dharma Yoga to those in need everywhere. Today, Dharma Yoga Life of a Yogi teacher training programs are held in New York City multiple times each year.
2 / What if I don’t want to become a Yoga Teacher or I am already a Certified Yoga Teacher?
There are typically a number of students who take part in the DY LOAY 200 and 500-hour TT programs without having a set goal of teaching yoga, and which we openly embrace. We understand that this approach includes a sincere desire to go deeper into personal practice to gain Self Knowledge and to experience Dharma Yoga through direct contact with a living Yoga Master.
3 / How is it possible to compress 200 or 500 Hours Into 10 or 16 onsite days?
Yoga Alliance demands a certain number of contact hours containing a set curriculum to qualify for accreditation. These requirements are met and exceeded in the DY LOAY 200-hour TT offered through the LOAY programming. The ten consecutive days that comprise the hands-on training contain at least 13 to 15 daily contact hours. These ten days represent a complete immersion in the theory and practice which are the essence of Dharma Yoga and the LOAY TT Immersions. An additional minimum of 50 to 100 non-contact hours are gained through required reading, essays on the reading, homework, dietary plans, independent personal practice, teaching/assisting/observing of Dharma Yoga, Karma Yoga-Selfless Service and a variety of other internship opportunities.
4 / In addition to the onsite intensive, what else comprises a Life of a Yogi Teacher Training?
Examples include: develop a personal practice / home-study, Karma Yoga, teaching and practice; real world experience teaching public classes to varied populations; organize your own DY events and begin to build your own community of students; work under the supervision of the DY LOAY department.
5 / If I don’t live locally, how do I complete the internship portion of the training?
The LOAY department will guide you through your internship and help support you in its completion. If there is a Dharma Yoga teacher in your area, they will work with you to the extent they can, as well. You will always have support from the LOAY Department by e-mail and phone on all of your questions. As for additional requirements that might affect out-of-towners, often more than half the participants in any of our TT’s are from all around the world so we are prepared for this as it is our normal mode of operation.
6 / How do I prepare for a Dharma Yoga Life of a Yogi Teacher Training?
Once you have been accepted and have made your deposit or paid in full, you will be sent a reading list and assignments pertinent to your particular training. If you live within commuting distance of the New York Center, you should consider starting to take some classes to familiarize yourself with the foundational aspects of Dharma Yoga as taught daily at the Center. If you live outside the New York metropolitan region, Zoom classes through the Center are a sure way to gain exposure to Dharma Yoga. If there are Dharma Yoga Registered Teachers where you live, begin taking classes with them. If regular practice is not already a constant in your life, you might consider taking on some aspect of the practice as a way of preparing yourself for the odyssey on which you are embarking. Resting up during the final weeks before the training will ensure that you enter into it better equipped to deal with the mental and physical demands. Finally, it is recommended that you begin to diminish consumption of any meat, poultry or fish in your diet and explore a more plant-based diet to help in your preparation. A requirement of the program is that you keep a mostly vegan diet during the actual contact hours of the training to honor the foundational and most crucial teaching of yoga: to harm no living creatures through word, thought or deed. Additionally, this diet will help you feel better in general. Another powerful technique we will be practicing throughout the training is Mouna or Spiritual Silence. It is one of the best practices for purifying the mind as it is a respite from the constant conversation, stimulation and mental activity which are all regular features of our modern mode of existence. Mouna is a Sadhana (spiritual practice) that increases self-control. We will be practicing a modified version of this throughout the training where we ask that you only speak if necessary. Our invitation to you is to approach the DY LOAY TT sessions as complete retreats. Try to maintain minimal contact with the outside world, only using your cell phone, computer and other wireless devices if absolutely necessary. Allow yourself to arrive free of expectations, set aside what you already know, and let yourself absorb the teachings fully. In other words, our invitation to you is to become a Yogi during our time together.
7 / Where can I stay during the intensive in NYC if I don’t live locally?
Every trainee is responsible for his or her own room and board and the expense for these arrangements falls outside the cost of tuition. There are many inexpensive hotels and hostels within walking distance of the Dharma Yoga New York Center where our in-town TT’s take place. Please see below to view an interactive map of accommodations nearby.
8 / What are my options regarding meals?
As with accommodations, you are responsible for your meals. It is recommended that you bring snacks that you’ll be allowed to eat during many of the prescribed activities throughout the course of each day. Also, there are many wonderful vegetarian and vegan restaurants and health food stores in the area. There are also wonderful Kosher gourmet vegetarian Indian restaurants nearby. Raw and vegan restaurants are only a few blocks away, as well. Gramercy Park down to the East Village is a great area for vegetarian dining. Midtown South also has a broad variety of vegan and vegetarian options. Please see below to view an interactive map of vegan and vegan friendly restaurants nearby.
9 / What if I have to miss a few hours or days of the intensive immersion?
Due to the intensive nature of these programs, you are required to be available for the entire duration of the training. Our on-site hours meet and surpass the Yoga Alliance minimum standards and categories of training. In addition, we require you to learn to lead a Yogic lifestyle throughout your course of study. It is not advisable to start new projects at this time or to schedule other activities. We have set aside this whole time to be with you and expect and want you to be 100% with us. It is best to plan ahead so you do not have any other obligations during the time you are in your immersion with us. All that said, now that we are offering Teachable access as part of our training experience, one is able to make up any missed sessions at their convenience via on demand streaming.
10 / Who serves as faculty for the Dharma Yoga Life of a Yogi Teacher Training Program?
One of the world’s most venerated Yoga Masters, Sri Dharma Mittra is the creator and foundational guide for the 50, 200, 500, 700, and 800-hour DY LOAY TT immersions. He is also the main teacher for all of the scheduled trainings. The supporting faculty of teachers includes close senior devotees and teachers of Dharma Yoga who live and breathe Sri Dharma’s teachings and message including: Ismrittee Devi Om, Adam Frei, Penny Kalloo, Sam Manchulenko, Brittanie Dechino, Andrew Jones, Pam Jones, and Jonathan Rosenthal. For more information on our exceptional faculty, please visit our teacher’s page.
11 / Do I need to be in good health to participate in a Dharma Yoga LOAY TT?
Yes. Completing and signing a DY LOAY TT Health/Medical Condition Waiver and submitting a signed doctor’s note clearing your health are basic requirements of this program.
12 / Can you offer any additional help / assistance?
If you have any questions at all, someone from the LOAY department would be happy to speak with you in depth. Call 212.889.8160 or email Melanie at melanie@dharmayogacenter.com.